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How To Keep Crickets Out Of Your Aiken Home

House crickets on an egg carton.

When you think of home-infesting pests, crickets might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But when crickets invade your property, they can be as troublesome as any ants, flies, or spiders. These pests aren’t just noisy, they can be dangerous to have around. For the sake of your health and well-being, it’s important to know how to keep crickets out of your Aiken home. 

What To Know About Crickets

Crickets are probably one of the few pests known for how they sound rather than how they look. Everyone likes the chirping of nearby crickets on a cool evening. From wishing upon a star to helping a certain warrior princess save China, there’s no shortage of popular crickets in film and television. 

Unfortunately, real-life crickets aren’t quite as charming as we’ve been led to believe. Common house crickets are yellowish-brown in color and have a three-banded along their head. They generally measure between 3/4 and 7/8 of an inch in size. Besides making a racket with their trademark chirping, crickets can cause a multitude of problems for homeowners. And once they get inside, they can survive almost indefinitely. 

How Dangerous Are Crickets?

Crickets are surprisingly dangerous. They are far from the worst offenders in terms of dangerous pests, but the hazards they present are many. And while that incessant chirping can certainly drive you crazy, there are worse things to worry about when it comes to crickets.

Crickets can spread disease. Namely, crickets can spread salmonella and E. coli bacteria through their droppings, as well as parasitic worms. Simply coming in contact with cricket droppings or crickets can sometimes result in painful open sores on the skin.

In the wild, crickets are omnivorous creatures that feed on plants and other insects. But deprived of their natural diets, crickets are forced to improvise when indoors — and destruction is on the menu. Crickets will destroy blankets, clothing, carpeting, and other fabric-based materials to fill their bellies.

And it should be noted that crickets can and will bite if handled. It’s rare for a cricket bite to break the skin, but a bite from a cricket can be painful and potentially spread disease.

How To Keep Crickets Out

Crickets are attracted to moisture and humidity as well as bright light and overgrown vegetation. A poorly tended yard with strong outdoor lights can be a paradise for these pests. However, solving these problems can be relatively easy and will also result in fewer pest problems overall. 

Some simple ways to prevent crickets from getting into your Aiken home are:

  • Seal entry points – Inspect the exterior of your home for any cracks or gaps around doors and windows and seal with silicone caulk. Replace any faulty door sweeps or weather stripping.
  • Address moisture issues – Reduce humidity in basement areas by opening windows and running electric fans. Seal any leaking pipes or fixtures and clear gutters and drains to prevent water backup.
  • Adjust lighting – Try to keep outdoor lights off as much as possible. Keep curtains or blinds drawn at night to prevent light from spilling out. You can try switching your outdoor lights to yellow bulbs or sodium vapor lamps, which are less attractive to insects.
  • Clean the yard – Mow the lawn and trim hedges regularly. Remove any yard waste like dead leaves, lawn clippings, rotting logs, or piles of sticks. Move any firewood at least 20 feet from the home and store it on an elevated platform. 

For more advice on how to handle cricket problems in your Aiken home, get in touch with the home pest experts at Aiken Pest Control today.