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Wasp-Proofing Your South Carolina Home For The Summer

a wasp nest on a south carolina home

Many people have had the unpleasant experience of being stung by one of the many species of stinging insects. If you’ve been fortunate enough to avoid this experience, there’s a high likelihood that you’d like to keep it that way. Unfortunately, stinging insects become incredibly active during spring and summer, and now that our temperatures are going to remain high until fall rolls around, stinging insects are at the height of their activity. With that rise in activity, many South Carolina residents are dealing with all the problems that come with having stinging insects in or around their property.

Why Stinging Insects Are A Major Problem During Summer

No one wants to throw an outdoor party and have it crashed by wasps or bees scouting for food. However, this scenario becomes all too likely when you have a stinging insect nest on or near your property. Not only are these annoying pests frustrating to keep away from your open soda cans and tasty hot dogs, but they can also be dangerous in certain circumstances. Individuals who are allergic to the venom produced by these insects are much more susceptible to having health issues such as rashes, hives, or even anaphylactic shock. On top of this, some species of stinging insects, such as yellow jackets, are typically more aggressive and will protect their hives at all costs. Any nests in trees, under your porch, in your attic, or along your roofline can lead to dangerous circumstances and health concerns for you or your family.

Stinging Insect Prevention Tips

It’s important to note that it is always better to contact a professional pest control provider if you experience stinging insects on your property. It is never safe to remove an active nest, especially because some nests belong to honey bees. Honey bee nests should never be destroyed, and should instead be left to the professionals. A professional pest control provider will know how to identify and relocate a honey bee nest, which helps keep this beneficial species alive and pollinating. With this in mind, there are a few prevention tips you can follow to reduce the chances that you attract these insects to your property in the first place:

  • Clean up after outdoor parties. This includes picking up soda cans, throwing away used paper plates, and bringing all food items back inside.
  • Seal all your trash bins and store them away from your property.
  • Avoid leaving pet food out overnight.
  • Inspect the exterior of your home for loose vent covers, gaps in your walls, or dislodged shingling that may allow stinging insects a way to get inside and build their nests in the shelter of your home.

These tips are most effective if used when attempting to reduce insect activity on your property, however, they are almost entirely useless if you’re already dealing with a stinging insect infestation. If wasps or bees are disturbing your summer activities this summer, reach out to the professionals here at Aiken Pest to handle all of your pest control needs. For more information on how our home pest control and commercial pest management services work, or if you’d like to schedule an inspection, contact Aiken Pest today!