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Do Fleas Have Wings?


Fleas are terrific jumpers. Did you know that, although a flea is only a mere .1 inches long, it can jump up to seven inches vertically? That is around 100 times its length, and it would be the equivalent of a 6-foot man jumping over the Eiffel Tower! That's some pretty radical jumping power! Given this information on how high fleas can jump, it is no wonder many people want to know whether or not fleas can fly. In other words, do fleas have wings?

The answer to this question is a resounding no. Fleas do not have wings, and although they may sometimes seem like they can, they cannot fly. The way they multiply can infest a structure in no time flat. Probably everyone reading this article has had to deal with a flea infestation at one point or another in their lives. And if you have, then you know that it is no picnic.

How fast do fleas multiply?

Since a female flea can lay eggs every 12 days and produce up to 600 baby fleas in just one month, and those fleas can mature in as little as 12 days, a few fleas can turn into thousands in a very short period. And they can prove extremely difficult to eradicate with do-it-yourself methods.

So, what's the problem with fleas?

Aside from the itchy red bumps fleas cause on the skin and the seeming insanity they can cause in pets, fleas are vectors for certain diseases, including plague. They are also connected with the spread of murine typhus, mycoplasma haemofelis, tapeworms, and cat scratch fever.

How do fleas get into homes?

There are several ways that fleas typically get into homes. Fleas are often carried in on pets, but even in homes without pets, they can still find their way in. If your home has entry points where insects and rodents can enter, then your home can be infested with fleas carried in by mice, rats, or squirrels. If this is the case, you may have bigger problems than fleas. Here are a few prevention tips you can try to keep pests out:

  • Seal up any gaps or cracks you find outside your foundation or walls.
  • Trim back bushes, shrubs, or trees that pests can climb to get to your walls or roof area.
  • Remove clutter from your yard that may be harborage for rodents.
  • Remove water and food sources close to your home that will draw pests in close.
  • Keep the inside of your home clean so if pests find a way in, they won't find any water sources or food particles to live on.
  • Contact a pest control company for help.

The professional pest control technicians at Aiken Pest Control have the knowledge and experience to rid your home of fleas and protect it from future invasions of fleas, rodents, and a whole host of other home-invading pests. Contact Aiken today to become flea-free.